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As kids return to school, lunch becomes the most complicated meal of the day

With Omicron cases high, some parents feel left on their own amid a variety of plans, and are troubled by suggestions about how students should eat.

3 min read

Teacher Limara Furlanetto sprays hand sanitizer before lunch in September 2020 at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Elementary School in Hamilton. Omicron has renewed the focus on how to navigate lunchtime.

Amid the confusion of students returning to school as COVID-19 cases surge, Lisa Petsinis said she’s troubled by a suggestion from her daughter’s school about lunchtime: that kids briefly remove their masks to take a bite to eat and put them back on to chew.

A newsletter to parents, which also stressed students will be reminded to maintain physical distancing, “doesn’t say anything about how this is going to be supervised, and I’m not sure if it’s even possible to do,” said Petsinis, whose 14-year-old daughter attends a school in Etobicoke under the Toronto District School Board.

Ghada Alsharif

Ghada Alsharif is a Toronto-based work and wealth reporter for the Star. Reach Ghada via email:


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